Sermon, Podcast and Announcements 10-16-2022
October 16, 2022, 12:59 PM

Bible Quiz

  1. Finish the verse: “And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard ______________________.”  

  2. Fill in the blank: “Others _____ said, “They are _____ of new _____.” 

  3. Find it: Where was Abram born? 

  4. Trivia: How old was Abram when God called him? 


-Halloween is just around the corner. It's the best time to share the Gospel by handing out Gospel tracts. We are planning to hand out goodie bags with candy and Gospel tracts on Halloween night. 

-For that we need donations of candy, goodie bags and anything else you feel would be good with it. We need volunteers to help put the bags together and to hand them out in the neighborhood. 

-That evening, we'll be meeting at the church at 5:00pm to put the bags together, then go out at 6:00pm to hand them out.